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Tak, zapoznałem się z polityką prywatności i akceptuję regulamin.

Privacy Policy

On this page we inform you about the nature and scope of the use of personal data that is collected and processed by the archive of the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial in order for the internet application The Memorial Archives to fulfill its tasks.

  • Collection of Personal Data 
    Personal data (such as name, address, etc.) is collected during archival requests with the registration form and when using the Memorial Archives. These are archived within the limits of the legal retention periods. With the Memorial Archives, the user-specific information is stored on the server side at the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial. The storing of this information is to avoid repeated user authentication. All user-specific data that is collected will not be disclosed to third parties. They serve exclusively to address user requests. Postal and e-mail addresses provided in the context of the inquiries are used exclusively for correspondence, such as the sending of documents. For an archive request, such as the registration at personal data is collected, which must be provided for a user-request. This data is needed to enable the search and commission of data as well as statistical evaluations with the help of advanced functions beyond access information.

  • Your Right to Delete Personal Data
    You have the possibility to have your personal data deleted after the expiration of the legal retention periods, once these are no longer needed for the fulfillment of the tasks of the archive at the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp Memorial. Please contat us by phone or e-mail at archiv(at)

  • Collection of Access Data and Log Files 
    We collect data on every access to the server on which this service is located (so-called server log files) on the basis of our authorized interests for the purpose of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. DSGVO. The access data includes the name of the retrieved web page, file, date and time of retrieval, amount of data transferred, notification of successful retrieval, browser type and version, the user’s operating system, referral URL (the previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider. Logfile information is stored for security purposes (e.g., to investigate abusive or fraudulent activities) for a maximum of 14 days and then deleted. Data whose further retention is required for evidential purposes is excluded from the erasure until the final clarification of the incident.

  • Use of Cookies
    With each new access to the Memorial Archives by a user, session data is also collected by means of so-called cookies, which is processed and stored together with a session ID that is temporarily browser-based on the side of the user. The purpose of the storage of this data is to record the last status of the respective session, with its form contents, the entries of the notepad and the search results. The deletion of this data occurs at the end of the user-specific session, with the exception of the anonymous session ID and the duration of the access. Session IDs and duration are used for statistical purposes only.

  • Usage Analysis
    We use Matomo, an open-source software for the statistical evaluation of visitor access and coverage measurement. Matomo collects and stores the following data: the type of browser you use and the browser version, the operating system you use, your country of origin, the date and time of the server request, the number of visits, your time spent on the website, and your activated external links. The IP address of the user is anonymized before being saved. This data is used for statistical purposes only and to improve our program. There is no other use or disclosure to third parties. Techniques, such as Java applets or Active X controls, which make it possible to track access behavior of the users, is not used.

  • Links to Other Websites
    Our online program includes links to other websites, GoogleMaps and OpenStreetMaps. We have no control over their operators’ compliance with privacy or other regulations.