Krausová, Tereza [2009] Stratifikace společnosti v koncentračních táborach


Open Access -1
Author Krausová, Tereza
Titel Stratifikace společnosti v koncentračních táborach
Verlagsort Praha
Anzahl Seiten 59
Diplomarbeit - Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut sociologických studií

The diploma thesis „Social stratification in concentration camps“ deals with the society in a concentration camps. It defines formal and informal factors which affect the social stratification and which determine the social roles both of individuals and groups, their interrelationships, living conditions or access to power. The formal factors of the jailers group were the military rank, division of labour, access to the power, subordination and superiority relations, delegation of powers. The formal factors in the prisoners group were the classification system, division of labour and power, selfgovernment of prisoners. The informal factors among jailers were their human relations and the
authority of the superiors. The informal factors in the prisoners group were the individual abilities and skills and time of imprisonment in the concentration camp. The thesis targets also the psychological aspects of the life in a concentration camp – it examines for the jailers personality, their motivation, values and mechanisms which cause the transformation of personality and the suppression of the morale. In the prisoners group, it targets values, ability to keep the free will and to face up to the extreme living conditions. The conclusion of the thesis includes the idea of the morality in concentration camps, the issue of a death and its dignity and the topicality of the holocaust issue (it pays attention to the raising influence of the neo-Nazis in society and the spread of their ideas such as the Holocaust denying etc.).

Die Stratifikation der Häftlingsgesellschaft in Konzentrationslagern

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Database: "Publications" (Schema "Monograph: up to three authors")