Tlapová, Miroslava [2009] Vzpomínky lidí za 2. světové války v tzv. Protektorátu Čechy a Morava ve Vodňanech


Author Tlapová, Miroslava
Titel Vzpomínky lidí za 2. světové války v tzv. Protektorátu Čechy a Morava ve Vodňanech
Institution Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích - Pedagogická fakulta - Historický ústav FF
Verlagsort České Budějovice
Anzahl Seiten 120
Diploma thesis

"Memories of people of the Second World War in Protectorate Bohemia and
I wanted to describe the events of years 1938 to 1945 in my diploma thesis. In this time, the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia was established. It was the time of one of the most important events of the Czech nation. Every person living it this time experienced
these events in a different way. I focused on the description of the experience both ordinary and uncommon days of the citizens of the small town Vodňany which is situated in the south Bohemia. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter is aimed at the events of 1938 that were crucial for the development of Bohemia. The second chapter is about the changes of ordinary life in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, mainly in Vodňany. The third chapter inquires into the fate of Jewish people in Vodňany. The Jews were the most persecuted group of people during the Second World War. I concerned with the time of terror after the attempt on Reinhard Heydrich in the fourth chapter. I briefly described the activities of rebellious groups in the fifth chapter. I focused on the Partisan group Šumava II that operated in Vodňany. I tried to describe the atmosphere of days during exemption and the end of the war in the sixth chapter. The seventh chapter deals with the events of protectorate time in Vodňany. Oral history helped me a lot in this description. I tried to think about the memories of the citizens of Vodňany in the final eighth chapter."
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