Signatur: AGFl M.1.2.11 – Deutsche Dokumente aus den Akten über Kriegsverbrechen der Judge Advocate Division des Hauptquartiers der US-Armee in Europa (HQ USAREUR)

Image Database


File No. 707, Vol. 12 Photocopies of the weekly publication “Psychiatich-Neurologische Wochenschrift Nr. 33, 1912-13; 44. Jahrgang Halle a.S., January 24, 1942, Nr. 4”; laws concerning the “incurable and unfit” as interpreted by various doctors; a copy and photocopy of reports with the title “Euthanasia im Lichte der Katholischen Moral und Praxis” (Euthanasia from the Point of View of Catholic Morals and practice); a copy of laws from the Reich Ministry of Interior on sterilization and simplifications on the carrying out of the laws; lists by Länder of available bed capacity in the various institutions and asylums; and an inspection report and plans of the institution for epileptics in Bethel near Bielefeld, which had branch institutions in various other localities in northwest Germany. 1912-Dec. 4, 1942

File No. 707, Vol. 13 Copies of reports for the preparation of conferences for neurologists and psychologists, which were to be held in Munich and Würzburg in September and October 1941, respectively, and copies of letters from Prof.. Dr. Nitsche to Ministerialrat Dr. Linden, Prof. Dr. Rüdin, Prof. Dr. Reiter, and Prof. Dr. Schröder, concerning meetings prior to the conferences and also on other matters, and letters of invitation to leading personalities and officials; publications on psychiatry and neurology; reports concerning the uses and economizing of insulin; copies of reports on inspection trips to medical facilities, old folks homes and mental institutions in Land Saxony by a commission of doctors in 1942-43; a list of German institutions for the mentally sick and feeble-minded, Aug. 31, 1941; and a photocopy of a report of the 20th meeting, Apr. 16, 1934, of the Strafrechtskommission (Criminal Jurisdiction Commission). Apr. 16, 1934-Feb. 11, 1943

Entstehung des Mikrofilms

Place of Creation
Bundesarchiv Koblenz
Entstehung / Überlieferung
Kopie des Mikrofilms aus dem Bundesarchiv (Microfilm Publication "German Documents Among the War Crimes Records of the Judge Advocate Division, Headquarters, United States Army, Europe" der National Archives, Washington D.C. 1967)


Creation Date
1945 – 1958
/__/1945 – /__/1958


Reference Date
14.8.1910 - 8.5.1945
08/14/1910 – 05/08/1945



Herstellung (bei Reproduktionen)

Nutzungs- und Verwertungsrecht

Public domain
National Archives, Washington D.C.


Medium im Provenienzarchiv
Signatur im Provenienzarchiv
BArch All. Proz. 7/111 (FC 1806)
Medium im Originalarchiv
Signatur im Originalarchiv
T1021, roll 11


am Standort
Database: "Inventory Flossenbürg Memorial (AGFl)" (Schema "M")